ice cold anxiety

Learn how to overcome the anxious coping skill of eating ice and develop healthy coping skills.

Do you find yourself reaching for a cup of ice daily? Are you always looking for the perfect ice machine? Do you chew ice throughout the day, more than you eat meals? You may have an unhealthy coping skill to anxiety. In this article, we will discuss healthy coping skills to overcome anxious ice eating by delighting yourself in the LORD.  

“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto GOD." Philippians 4:6 KJV

What is an Anxious coping skill?

Anxiety is defined as intense feelings of fear, dread, or worry. It can be accompanied with physical symptoms of restlessness and uneasiness. Appearing when you are challenged with difficulty situations, challenges or decisions. These circumstances cause anxiety because they trigger past traumatic events, which caused you to feel unsafe. As a result, you can develop an anxious coping skill to suppress those feelings and emotions. Ice eating is a common coping skill to anxiety. 

"Delight thyself also in the LORD; and HE shall give thee the desires of thine heart." Psalm 37:4 KJV

Healthy Coping Skills to Anxiety

Get physically active

Exercise daily. The hormones released during exercise triggers the brain to a more positive mindset. Add physical activity to your daily routine. 

stress management

Stress can increase feelings of anxiety. Reduce your stress with consistency and discipline to create predictability to eliminate feelings of anxiety. 

eat healthy

Eating ice can also be a sign of iron-deficiency, in which your blood lacks the proper amount of iron for blood flow. Find new and exciting ways to add iron-rich vegetables and fruits into your daily diet. 

prioritize rest

Lack of sleep can increase anxiety. Set a daily bedtime routine to ensure you are sleeping 8 to 10 hours a night. 

build healthy relationships

Being in a healthy relationship with yourself and others will help to eliminate the feelings of anxiety, because you will be in a safe environment.


Allow the word of GOD to replace the thoughts of dread, worry, and doubt, which cause anxiety. Find at least 3 scriptures of the Holy Bible to meditate on daily. 

"You will develop healthy coping skills to anxiety & conquer your healing journey!"
Laurie Pinkins

How to Overcome Anxious coping skills

Identify your areas of weakness. The essential step to overcome an anxious coping skill is to acknowledge the areas where you feel most anxious. These areas will require the most growth and change, because you have become accustomed to certain behaviors to cope with anxiety. These behaviors provide temporary comfort, and are actually fueling the anxiety to remain. It creates a dysfunctional cycle of anxious emotions to unhealthy coping skills, to anxious feelings for using the unhealthy coping skills for comfort. Do not become discouraged or grow hopeless in the process, because change is possible. It is going to require for you to challenge your thoughts and actions to do new things. Find a support group in your local community or even on social media to help you learn new healthy coping skills. Literally do an internet search for the areas of anxiety you have identified and how to overcome them. There is someone who understands what you are going through and who can guide you through your healing process. 


I am Loving
i am Cheerful
i am beautiful
i am Delightful
i am fantastic
i am courageous


Challenge your thoughts & actions to do new things.

Pair your daily affirmations with scriptures of the Bible.

Find your Delight in the LORD

The process to overcome the anxious coping skill of eating ice will not be easy, but it is possible. Eating ice provides a sense of satisfaction. It is comforting to feel and hear the pieces of ice crunching. Therefore, because the unhealthy coping skill is delightful and does not cause immediate discomfort, it may be difficult to give it up cold turkey. As a result, you will need to gradually whine yourself off of ice eating. This starts with finding your delight in the LORD instead of eating ice. First, recognize when you have the desire (what time of the day is it?). Next, how are you feeling when you want ice (what feelings are triggering the desire?). Then, drink a glass of water with ice added. You may just be dehydrated and reach for ice for hydration. Next, resist the urge to grab a full cup of ice. Instead, remove yourself from the environment (go for a walk, call a friend). Then, pray and ask GOD for the strength and wisdom to consecrate your mind from anxiety and your body from ice eating. GOD desires to be involved in every area of your life. HE does not want you to be anxious, but pray and ask HIM about everything. Through prayer, HOLY SPIRIT will reveal to you the strategies necessary to overcome the anxious coping skill of ice eating. You will begin to delight yourself in the LORD in prayer, worship, fasting, and studying the scriptures of the Holy Bible.  Overtime you will develop healthy coping skills to anxiety and conquer your healing journey to overcome anxious ice eating!

Scriptures for Delight

"Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto GOD. And the peace of GOD, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through CHRIST JESUS." Philippians 4:6-7 KJV

There is power in speaking and meditating on the scriptures of the Bible daily. Read, speak, and meditate on the following scriptures for delight.  

Next Steps

Finding support from a therapist, life coach, trusted friend, or support group that can help you to build your delight.

Build Your Delight

Use the following steps to build your delight:

  • Get physically active
  • Stress management
  • Eat healthy
  • Prioritize rest
  • Build healthy relationships
  • Meditate on at least 3 scriptures of the Holy Bible daily
Scriptures for Delight

Read, speak, and meditate on the scriptures of the Bible for delight. King James Version

Psalm 37:4

Psalm 37:11

Psalm 1:2

Numbers 14:8

Psalm 40:8

Proverbs 15:8

Isaiah 58:2

Romans 7:22

Psalm 119:77

Jeremiah 9:24

Help to Gain Delight

Are you having feelings of anxiety? Want to transform your life today? Get your free consultation with a Life Transformation coach to start the journey to build your delight.

To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;

1 Corinthians 12:9‬ ‭KJV‬‬

it's your time to live happy, healthy & healed

Become the healed person you’ve always wanted to be.

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