How to overcome
sadness during the holidays

Learn how to find your joy in the LORD, to overcome the holiday blues sadness.

Do you find yourself isolated during the holidays? Have overwhelming feelings of loneliness or anxiety? Feel alone, even while celebrating with others? You may have holiday blues sadness.

“Rejoice in the LORD alway: and again I say, Rejoice.” Philippians 4:4 KJV

What is Holiday Blues Sadness?

Holiday blues sadness is feelings of overwhelming despair, weariness or gloom that occurs during the holiday season. You isolate yourself and are unable to experience feelings of enjoyment or gladness. Despite the atmosphere of joy and celebration, you experience sadness during the holidays.  

The source of the sadness is a build up of disappointments from previous events. You have may be an over-giver or people pleaser. Numerous disappointing holiday experiences resulted in expectations of inadequate happiness. However, the holiday seasons can different with the joy of HOLY SPIRIT. The presence of GOD will fill you with HIS joy. 

“Now the GOD of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the HOLY GHOST.” Romans 15:13 KJV

Signs of Holiday Blues Sadness


Emotionally, physically, and mentally drained due to the unpredictability of holiday events. 


Inability to cope with increased pressure due to overspending or people-pleasing.


Refraining from interacting in celebrations or social gatherings. 


Unpredictable mood changes, including crying or weeping.


Frustration and irritability from unrealistic expectations. Possible emotional or physical outburst. 


Sorrow and misery from loss of connection from someone emotionally or physically. 


Happiness is a temporary feeling. Happiness is a fleeting, changeable emotion. It provides you with short term pleasure.  It is temporary because it is based upon circumstances that evolve overtime based upon life experiences. These experiences further determine your expectations for future happiness. It is essential to seek sustainable joy in GOD, because happiness changes overtime. 

"The presence of GOD will fill you with joy."
Laurie Pinkins

Happiness is not sustainable, you need the joy of the LORD. Joy is a constant. It is a steady and stable state of being with GOD. Joy is sustainable in GOD, because it is a fruit of HOLY SPIRIT. When you accept JESUS CHRIST as your LORD and Savior, being baptized by the SPIRIT and fire, Matthew 3:11 KJV. You have access to the full abundance of the fruit of HOLY SPIRIT, which includes joy Galatians 5:22 KJV. Embrace joy through prayer, worship and studying the scriptures of the Bible. This will allow for you to overcome the holiday blues sadness. 


Create an atmosphere of love and joy where
GOD is glorified.

Discovering your joy in GOD, through the fruit of HOLY SPIRIT, will help you to overcome holiday blues sadness.

Reasons for Holiday Blues Sadness

Unrealistic Expectations

Feelings of disappointment by commercialized, idealistic or unrealistic expectations.

Over-spending on Gifts

Deplete resources for gift-giving, taken from other essential obligations. 


Comparing experiences from previous holiday events. Measuring your enjoyment to others on tv or social media ; i.e. the mirage from matching pajamas and color coordinated outfits. 


Extending yourself financially and emotionally in an attempt to keep everyone happy.

Financial Stress

Overspending on holiday preparations, decorations and gifts.

10 Scriptures for Joy

“Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the GOD of my salvation.” Habakkuk 3:18

The healing process to overcome sadness during the holidays, can be complex. However, sustainable healing is possible with GOD. There is power in speaking and meditating on the scriptures of the Bible daily. Read, speak, and meditate on the 10 scriptures for holiday blues sadness. 

How to find your Joy in the LORD

GOD wants to be involved in every are of your life, including the holidays. Set your expectations toward having fulfilling interactions with family and friends to create valuable memories. You want to look back on family photos and reminisce on the joyous occasion. Avoid the seeking to always be happy, because things may not go according to plan. You may have to travel in coach because the first class was sold out. There may be an extended delay at the airport. Changing circumstances should not be the determinate on the joy of your holidays. 

Focus on gratitude with the celebration. Play your favorite holiday music and movies. Be sure to have your favorite holiday scents and decorations in each room. Create an atmosphere of love and joy where GOD is glorified.

Pray and ask GOD to fill you with the fruit of joy of HOLY SPIRIT.

Next Steps

GOD desires for you to be a joyous. Use these steps to find your joy in the LORD to overcome holiday blues sadness.

Overcome Holiday Blues Sadness

Use these steps to overcome holiday blues sadness.

  • Joy is a fruit of HOLY SPIRIT
  • Happiness is not sustainable, you need the joy of the LORD
  • Allow GOD to be involved in every area of your life, including the holidays
  • Focus on gratitude with the celebration
  • Pray and ask GOD to fill you with the fruit of joy of HOLY SPIRIT.
10-Scriptures for Holiday Blues Sadness

Read, speak and meditate on the 10 scriptures of the Bible for Joy.

  1. “Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our LORD: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORDis your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10
  2. “Rejoice in the LORD alway: and again I say, Rejoice.” Philippians 4:4
  3. “A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!” Proverbs 15:23
  4. “Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.” Psalm 51:12
  5. “But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them: let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee.” Psalm 5:11
  6. “Break forth into joy, sing together, ye waste places of Jerusalem: for the LORD hath comforted HIS people, HE hath redeemed Jerusalem.” Isaiah 52:9
  7. “Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the GOD of my salvation.” Habakkuk 3:18
  8. “The LORD thy GOD in the midst of thee is mighty; HE will save, HE will rejoice over thee with joy; HE will rest in HIS love, HE will joy over thee with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17
  9. “For HIS anger endureth but a moment; in HIS favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” Psalm 30:5
  10. “Now the GOD of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the HOLY GHOST.” Romans 15:13
Help to Overcome Sadness

Are you having overwhelming feelings of sadness or loneliness? Want to transform your life today. Get your free consultation with a Life Transformation & Healing coach to start the journey to find your joy in GOD. 

If MY people, which are called by MY name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek MY face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14‬ ‭KJV‬‬

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